Gustavo Schutt presents his book The reinvention of the Business Owner «La reinvención del dueño»

In this book, Gustavo Schutt shares a series of key pieces of knowledge and experiences, that every business owner must consider if he/she wants to be prepared for a transition.

If you are a Business Owner or you want to help one in a transition process (any of the alternatives), you probably have some doubts and you can be thinking about this: How much is my business worth? after selling or making a transition, will I be happy with that decision? Are there good times, or better times to sell than others? Which kind of buyers I have to think about?  how do I get in touch with them?, How do I do that process?

Those questions and many more with the answers are some of the main topics in the book. Gustavo Schutt with his experience and knowledge, bring us a wonderful tool to maximize the value of our business.

<< Gustavo Schutt is one of these Certified Exit Planning Advisors (CEPA) and an example of an advisor who is helping owners create more value. Gustavo helps business owners understand that exit planning is merely just great business strategy. Business owners are doing things in their business every single day with the eventually effect in their exit. So start planning now. But incorporating this into your business via an advisor like Gustavo they will find that they will have happier employees, better customers, more structure and efficiencies built into their business, and a great culture. All things that lead to more productive and profitable companies. And ones that are transferable anytime.>>

 Scott Snider, President, Exit Planning Institute